The Future of Web Development: Our Predictions for 2024

by Simon Richards, CEO

1. AI Assisted Development

With the launch of Github Copilot in 2022 the industry got its first glimpse at what it would look like to have Stack Overflow plumbed straight into your IDE. Copilot has given thousands of developers what they always longed for.

In 2024 we can expect these assistants to become more sophisticated and for that to have ripple effects throughout the industry.

With the integration of AI code tools and automation on the rise, these tools will streamline workflows, enahance code quality, and reduce maintenance effort.

2. Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)

PWAs continue to blur the lines between web and mobile apps. They provide decent performance and easily deployed for an app-like experience. As their development matures and offline capabilities improved, they will become more popular, particularly for e-commerce applications. We are seeing more use of push notifications with PWA's and commercial applications will continue to push the capabilities.

In 2024 we can expect frameworks to adopt patterns to streamline the development pipeline in building progressive web apps.

3. Web3

Data privacy and trust are growing concerns and the drive to decentralize data away from tech giants that sell personal information is gaining a louder voice. It is easily conceivable that the technological revolution will develop mainstream capabilities that steal power back to the individuals giving them more control over what they share and with whom.

In 2024 we will see technologies emerge that are scalable, secure and accessible for the mass market but it's not a given that all these limitations will be overcome.

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